

El objetivo del proyecto SafeWAVE consiste en superar las barreras no tecnológicas que podrían dificultar el desarrollo futuro de la energía del mar, uno de los pilares de la estrategia de crecimiento azul de la Unión Europea, en concreto, de la energía de las olas. 2020-2023. Ampliado hasta Junio de 2024
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The objective of VALID is to create test platforms and hybrid methodologies as a case study with different wave energy technologies to accelerate the development of these technologies.
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It is a competitive pre-commercial public procurement programme, an innovative R&D initiative in wave energy technologies.
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The Renmarítima Demos programme is a programme of incentives for test infrastructures and pilot projects for marine renewable energy with a total budget of EUR 240 million.
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The MAR+ project aims to develop procedures, test techniques and experimentation to make BiMEP-IH Cantabria the first accredited global group for the inspection, testing and characterization of energy converters at sea, both in scale, in laboratory and in open sea.
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Dentro de este plan se enmarcan las ayudas públicas a las Infraestructuras Científicas y Técnicas Singulares, gestionadas por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. BiMEP, como miembro de la ICTS-MARHIS es beneficiaria de una ayuda para la compra de un equipo scanning lidar.
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Blue-GIFT will implement a coordinated ocean energy technology demonstration programme that encourages longer term demonstration and technology de-risking across the Atlantic Arc regions. Blue-GIFT will leverage the skills, processes and expertise developed in the Interreg NWE FORESEA programme to drive forward the marine energy sector in the Atlantic Arc.
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