
bimep area


What do we offer?

As a test infrastructure, BiMEP has been designed to allow testing and demonstration of:

  • Wave energy devices.
  • Prototypes of deep water fixed foundations for offshore wind turbines.
  • Auxiliary equipment and sub-systems.
  • Prototypes of floating platforms for offshore wind turbines.
  • Offshore wind turbines.


The services on offer during the different test process phases are:

Site at sea to be occupied by the device and its mooring system.

Fibre optic connection between land and device.

Updated information on sea conditions.

Boat-taxi service for accessing the device.

Marketing of the power generated.

Support in seeking local suppliers and financing.

Electrical Infrastructure for connecting the device to the grid.

Onland office.

24 hour surveillance and marine emergency management service.

Assistance by tug in the event of emergency.

Support in designing marine operations.


Trial requirements

BiMEP has all the necessary licenses for testing devices marine energy collector devices.

In order to help ensure suitable levels of safety for personnel, the environment and shipping, certain minimum technical requirements must be met. These are listed in the BiMEP Installation Guide.

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Logotipo Bimep, EVE  e IDAE